

是雇一个物业经理好呢,还是我自己在柯林斯堡做?  这是所有柯林斯堡租赁业主都面临的问题.

Whether you’ve acquired a property specifically to generate passive income or you already have a home and, 在这种情况下, 你想租出去吗, 这两种情况都需要有人来管理该财产. 




在本文中, we’ll provide a list of six questions to ask yourself in order to decide what’s right for you.


更好的表达这个问题的方式是:如果有紧急情况, 你能马上到那里吗?


当事情出了问题而你又是房东的时候, 解决这个问题的责任落在你的肩上. 在这些紧急情况下,坐飞机和开车短途出行很重要. 

So, 如果你住在州外, 仅仅因为这个原因,雇佣一个当地的柯林斯堡物业经理是显而易见的. 


  • Is there someone who can regularly perform drive-by inspections and check on the condition of the property? How about checking if the renter is subletting or renting out parts of the home as an AirBnB? (是的,这是可能发生的). 

  • Do you have someone local who is able to coordinate maintenance and oversee the repairs?

  • 在法律纠纷的情况下, are you prepared to drop everything and stay within the state for a potentially extended period of time until it’s resolved? 

A nearby 物业经理 who treats your property as if it’s their own will be right there in case anything happens, 同时采取预防措施保护你的投资. 

So, 而选择取决于你, 在我们的选项中, 如果你住在州外,那么最好在柯林斯堡雇一个物业经理. 



租赁过程的每一步都需要时间. 尤其是如果你想把事情做好. 

And the rental process doesn’t end once you list your property and score the perfect tenant. 事实上,真正的工作才刚刚开始. 


你有时间在紧急情况下赶到那里吗? 去看看房子怎么样? 执行检查? 处理所有的财务问题? 安排维修? 

甚至在此之前,执行租户筛选如何? 为潜在的居民举办展示会? 起草一份租约? 承销? 

说到世界十大博彩公司,这是一份全职工作. That’s why there are dedicated 物业经理s who are willing to take on the work for you, 如果需要. 

And the thing about rental properties is that when the proper time isn’t dedicated into each of those crucial steps, that’s when things go off the rails: a fraudulent applicant who makes it through screening, 一个被忽视的小泄漏,变成了结构损坏, 或者一个觉得被忽视的房客突然想要搬走.

这取决于你的生活状况, you may have the time and even look forward to replacing your 9-5 with property management. 但是如果你已经有全职工作或者有其他的时间安排, 那么你最终可能会把自己拉伸得太细. 


租房过程中最关键的步骤之一是筛选租客. 为了保证你们社区的安全, 减少被驱逐的风险, 并保护自己免受骗子的伤害.

There are “professional residents” out there who purposefully look for inexperienced landlords or owners who only have one property on the market, 因为他们认为你很容易被利用. 他们不打算付房租,他们只会骗你.

为了保护自己免受这些类型的骗子, 也是为了保护自己不被驱逐, 有一个彻底的筛选过程是至关重要的. 


  • 当前的就业

  • 收入确认

  • 被驱逐的历史

  • 以前的租金记录(他们是否按时支付租金? 那笔财产有损失吗?)

  • 信用评分 

  • 背景调查

  • 犯罪史

However, 申请人有时会伪造文件, 或者给他们的老板或以前的房东一个假号码. 

They’ll try and hide things such as a bad credit history or criminal record in order to pass.

As a D.I.Y. 物业经理, 在这个过程中,你可以使用一些资源, 但责任仍然落在你身上,而且仍然需要亲自动手. 

So, the question to ask yourself here is: do you feel comfortable setting screening criteria, 筛选申请人, 自己筛选? 你有时间做这件事吗? 你会因为想尽快找到房客而匆忙而忽略危险信号吗?

As with each of these questions, the answer comes down to your preference and availability. 有些房东喜欢亲自与他们选择的租客打交道, while others would like the assurance of an experienced 物业经理 to handle it for them. 



You may be looking to replace your full-time job with rental income, becoming a DIY 物业经理. 如果这是你,那就去做吧! 

But maybe you’re living away from 柯林斯堡 for a short while and want a renter to take care of your home until you return. Or maybe you acquired this property and just want to earn some passive income – maybe that’s an active part of your investment strategy. 

In these situations where you want passive income on the side, it’s not always so simple. 这可能被认为是被动收入,但仍然涉及到工作. 


  • 潜在的维修

  • 市场营销

  • 租户放映

  • 承销

  • 财产放映

  • 租赁起草


  • 租金集合

  • 维修协调和监督

  • Repairs

  • 租户协调 

  • 24小时待命,以防紧急情况 

  • 检查

  • 租赁合同续签

  • 驱逐,如果需要的话

And, if a tenant decides not to renew or is evicted, the process starts all over again. 

作为房东,这些责任都落在你身上. 比如说有一个管道紧急情况需要马上解决. 你得自己找个承包商, 与维修人员和租户协调维修日期, 然后监督整个过程. It’s also on you to keep your tenant up to date and maintain a positive experience for them.

知识渊博的PM可以提供帮助的一种方式是提供资源. At Evernest, for example, we have our own in-house maintenance team that can handle repairs. 如果碰巧是他们不擅长的事情, 我们的办公室有一个承包商网络可以联系. 

我们也有适当的会计制度, 租金集合, 租户协调, 和更多的, 来帮助简化这个过程. 

5 .你能进行困难的对话吗? 

世界十大博彩公司比表面上看起来要复杂得多. Those are just the facts surrounding the property – it doesn’t even begin to touch on the human-relationship aspect of being a landlord. 

就像任何关系一样,在某些时候肯定会有艰难的对话. However, 因为这个行业的性质, 房东和租客之间的关系对一些人来说是极具挑战性的. 

例如,如果房客拒绝支付租金,你该怎么办? 如果是因为他们丢了工作,还要照顾家庭呢? 

如果是这样,你会怎么处理, 在你和房客建立了良好的关系之后, 他们遇到了艰难的时刻,处于被驱逐的边缘, 但你要坚持自己的立场?

Even with contractors – will you be able to call them out if a service is done incorrectly or if they overcharge you? 

你可以给自己留一些灵活的空间, 在一天结束的时候, 拥有出租房产是一门生意. 

如果你为这些场景做好了准备, 那么处理你自己的世界十大博彩公司可能是可行的方法. 

然而,并不是每个人的性格都能承受这些类型的场景. 另外, 与租户建立关系实际上会让这个过程变得更加困难, 因为你可能会依恋他们或者觉得对他们有责任. 

在这种情况下,聘请物业经理是最好的选择. 一个熟练的项目经理能够客观地管理你的财产, and treat tenants and contactors with respect while still acting in your best interest. 


最后一个问题经常被忽略, 但对于租赁房产来说,这一点至关重要. 

在柯林斯堡租赁房产涉及到很多法律问题, 特别是承租人权利. 对这些法律的无知会使房东陷入困境, 这就是为什么尽职调查是必须的吗. 

例如,你知道有一个 入住率法律 在柯林斯堡? This specifies how many individuals can inhabit one rental dwelling and what their relationships must be to one another.

另外, laws are ever-evolving, with new amendments and additions popping up all the time. 例如, 从2024年开始,租赁登记将被要求. This is a specific process that includes mandatory inspections and a list of criteria that must be met. 

As the revisions of this proposal are ongoing in 2023, there could still be changes made. However most registration programs include penalties for landlords that fail to meet them. 

如果你愿意花时间的话, 研究, 熟悉这些定律, 那么DIY的方法可能适合你.

However, 如果你觉得难以承受, or if you’d like to have a trusted partner whose job is to be aware of 柯林斯堡 rules and regulations, 那么,聘请一名物业经理是可行的. 


There are many variables to consider when deciding if it’s better to hire a 物业经理 or do it yourself. 

这主要取决于你的目标, 你有空的时间, 还有你到底想不想当物业经理. 



However, if you’d like to talk to a team of experienced 物业经理s who understand the area, 会把你的财产当作自己的财产吗, 并最终支持你, 那么我们的柯林斯堡团队很乐意听到你的消息. 点击这里查看我们

